Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Run - 6.01km (00:36:55)

Yes, piker, that's me today. And for the most pathetic reason... I headed out planning on a moderate 9-10km, but at about the 3km mark, my ipod died on me. Damn. Did I just suck it up and continue? Nope. Lack of music became a good enough reason for me to take the 6km turnoff at the Goodwill and cut the run short. Slack, slack I say! I have to admit, I was struggling a fair bit, my legs felt like someone had cunningly replaced them with blocks of reinforced concrete and I just couldn't seem to find my stride, so perhaps the music thing was just a convenient excuse.

I was also running in new shoes (same model as always, just a new pair), plus I was trying out a pair of Skins capri tights for the first time. I've never run in them before, and I have to say it was an interesting experience. Some people say they feel like they're wearing nothing at all, but perhaps I'm just more conscious of tactile sensation because I could feel the restriction of them the whole run. It was quite strange, but I also felt my shirt twisting on my upper body with every stride, if that makes sense? It was a shirt I wear regularly, but it doesn't usually feel like that. I'm not sure whether the shirt was catching on the different material of the Skins, or the Skins themselves were keeping my lower body more stable so my upper body moved more, but either way it was quite an odd sensation! I suppose I'll just keep running in them and see if I adjust.

Ooh, and my new Adrenalines are the spiffy ones with the shiny aqua colours... About time they brought out a women's running shoe that looks cool! And no, I don't care in the least that I'm being superficial ;). I just hope I can wear them in properly before the GCM.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I hope you weren't out there this morning (wed) - that wind is just horrible - I hope it's gone by Saturday morning ;)