Tuesday, June 12, 2007

As birds migrate for the winter...

I migrate for the technology. Yes, this is my third blog change in about four years. I'm not flighty, I just get frustrated with the limitations or deteriorating usability of certain sites and decide to pick up stakes and transplant myself. No biggie. I think I'll settle here for a while. Anyone that's bored (and disturbed) enough to want to read backwards through my life can check out my old blog here.

Now on with the show...

With the Gold Coast Half-Marathon approaching at the speed of light (I'd really like to know how three months became three weeks seemingly overnight), I do admit to getting mighty nervous. The wonderful 20km I did yesterday morning with Lis (Vege-girl) did much to allay my worries, but still there's that niggling doubt in my mind. People seem to be expecting me to get under 2 hours and as much as I hate to disappoint them, I just can't see it happening! Truth be told, I will be ecstatic with anything under 2:15:00. Hell, I'll be happy just to finish! I know I can cover the distance, but I also know myself and I have a horrible habit of pushing too hard at the beginning of a race. In a 5k that might not be such a problem, but across 21.1km it could get ugly. Oh well, I'll never know if I don't try eh? I just hope I don't freeze into a popsicle at the start line!

Yes, I have a feeling that 6:30am on the 1st of July is going to be freezing. I'm not looking forward to that part at all. I don't deal well with the cold at the best of times, so the mere thought of standing at the start line in thin running clothes is enough to set me shivering even in my currently air-conditioned comfort. Brr! Come back summer! Maybe I should migrate with the birds.


Sarah said...

Hey Nikki!! How special am I - your first comment!! :)

Good work on the 20k - see, lucky I wasn't there to drag you guys down!!

As you know, I hear you on the cold - winter is doing absolutely nothing for my desire to run.

Are you on taper already or do you want to run this weekend? If I don't make plans with you I doubt I'd go out myself ...

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping blogger makes things easier for you - I've never actually used the microsoft site you came from, but I have heard that it's somewhat unpleasant to use.

If you're worried about running too fast at the start of the race, you're more than welcome to run with me for the first few km. I've slipped a long way since January and will be taking it real easy for the first 4ish, probably at around a 6:30ish pace.