Thursday, June 28, 2007


I guess I didn't wrap myself in enough bubble-wrap this week. I've been careful with my running, doing my best to taper down properly for the half marathon on Sunday, and yet I may have come undone from something as simple and silly as wearing socks while going down a flight of varnished wooden stairs.

It was 4:45am, I was all dressed and ready for my 5am personal training client, I put my socks on to keep my feet warm as I trotted downstairs to put my shoes on. Well, wasn't that just a bad idea? A couple of steps down my foot slipped from under me, my butt hit the ground, my back hit the sharp edge of the step behind me, and I ended up at the bottom of the stairs in a manner very different to what I had anticipated.

After a quick "Oh my god, the half is on Sunday!" moment and checking to ensure all limbs were attached and working correctly, I stood up, and promptly had to sit down again. I was so dizzy it felt like I was going to pass out and hit the ground in an ungainly manner for the second time that morning. Nauseous, faint, cold sweat, the lot. I hadn't hit my head so concussion wasn't an issue, I figure I just jarred my brain or something along those lines. I somehow managed to text my client to cancel our session, half staggered, half crawled up the stairs and collapsed on my bed. Woke up a couple of hours later feeling much more capable of remaining conscious, had a shower and went to work.

Seems to be no major damage, however my back feels somewhat bruised and a bit stiff. The bruise is right on the spine, which is worrying me quite a bit. Hopefully it won't cause any issues for Sunday. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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