Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bring on breakfast!

Run - 9.86km (01:04:07)

I am STARVING this morning... Got back from my run with Sarah ready for a full-on frontal assault on the kitchen. Eek. I hate being so hungry, I always end up hoovering up far too much food and feel like a pig. Yeesh.

Was a good run this morning, did a few faster intervals during the 6km I did with Sarah, between 5:40/km and 6:00/km. Unfortunately she was fighting some glute pain which doesn't bode very well for the GCM in a week's time :( Fingers crossed it works itself out! It was cold, but not as bad as I was expecting. I'm so very glad I bought a pair of gloves to wear though, my fingers would have been icicles otherwise.

I'm feeling great after the run. There's something about running so early in the morning, before the sun is even up, that sets your spirits soaring for the day. I wish I could do it more often.

Just added up my mileage for the week... I'm supposed to be on taper, but I still did 35km which is actually an average week for me. Whoops. Obviously great planning there Nikki. Oh well, next week really will be wound down, I promise.


running uphill said...

Hi I've just found your blog on the Coolrunning site. I always like to find other runners who run at about the same pace as I do.

Just did my first half a few weeks ago (didn't quite get under 2 hours - bugger!) but was lucky to get there at all. I noticed that you mentioned gluten-free in one post. Are you coeliac? Good luck with GC.

Sarah said...

Thanks heaps for the gloves today - they were terrific. Sorry about the last half of that run this morning ... what can you do?! :)

Good luck with the taper this week!!!!!! BE GOOD!

See you Sunday - You're gonna be FINE!