Thursday, June 21, 2007

I don't like having blue fingers.

Run - 6.04km (00:35:11)

Why did I have blue fingers? That freakin' freezing cold wind grabbing at me with icy hands of death! Excuse the melodrama, but I just don't seem to have the cold tolerance I used to have. We're only just into winter, and already I'm on my knees begging for summer to return. My legs don't like the cold any more than my fingers do, they feel all heavy and sluggish and it seems to take me forever to find my stride.

That being said, I had a great run this morning once I finally got going. Maintained about 5:50/km pace for 6km without feeling like I was going to die. Nice! Its funny how I automatically seem to run faster in the couple of weeks preceding a race, without making any conscious decision to do so. I swear my legs are taking orders from something other than my brain. I'm not complaining of course! I wish all runs could be this good. Thank goodness I headed out with my jacket on though, or I would have frozen into a solid lump before I even got going. Sarah, I hope you've got a jacket for Saturday morning, it may be another chilly one!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

mate, I have NOTHING!!!! what am I going to do?!!!