Thursday, September 27, 2007

"On the road again... "

"... Just can't wait to get on the road again..."

Run - 10min walk warmup
4 x 1km (00:06:30 pace) with 200m walking recovery
10min walk cooldown

And she's back.

Now that I'm feeling like I'm training properly again, this blog can be more about running and less me whingeing about not being able to run! So, while these reports will in no way compare to the speeds and distances I was doing pre-Gold Coast, they're still better than nothing. Gotta start somewhere eh?

Not even dreary weather and drizzling rain could have kept me from hitting the road this morning. In fact, I think I'm glad of the unfriendly weather because it kept the majority of people indoors and left me with the river path all to myself. No one to leave me feeling like a plodding, slow-moving sloth as they cruise past me with gazelle-like grace. No one to hear my somewhat tortured breathing as I struggle to make my legs go forwards when all they want to do is stop and have a rest. No one to see me pulling what I'm sure are amusing grimaces and assorted other facial expressions as I sternly berate myself for being a wimp and wanting to turn around and go home. Nope, it was just me, the puddles, and the steady plop of rain on the brim of my cap. And it was great.

I'd love to say I cruised, but in truth it was a struggle. My heart-rate skyrocketed, my quads were burning, and that niggly voice in the back of my mind kept saying "Come on, that's enough for today, you're going to hurt your knee again". My stubborn pig-headedness won out however, and I finished the total of 5k feeling on top of the world. That's the longest distance I've covered since Gold Coast. Now all I have to do is keep up the momentum and I'll be back up and ready to race again!

1 comment:

Shell said...

So glad to hear you are back running again! Love your determination.