Monday, September 24, 2007

Do not pass go, do not collect $200...

Yes, it does feel a little like I'm back to square one... My first "run" since the Gold Coast Half Marathon was an exercise in humility, as someone that thinks of themselves as a "runner" was reduced to the position of "runner-wannabe". I panted and staggered my way through my 5 x 30second intervals at a speed barely above walking pace, gasping like a fish that had flipped out of its tank and feeling like my legs were made from reinforced concrete. Nothing could have stopped the exhilaration though, the unadulterated excitement at being able to RUN! And it got better from there.

I've done a few more sessions since then, and each one has improved upon the last. Friday I did 3 x 800m repeats with 1-2min walking recovery, and last night I did 4 x 800m repeats. Its probably a little above what I should be doing, but as long as my knee isn't hurting I don't see the harm. I'm back to see the physio on Wednesday so if he yells at me I'll just accept it as justified and do my best to stick to whatever program he gives me. My stubborn and pig-headed side is very hard to subdue though! Especially since someone mentioned to me a marathon/half-marathon in January that, can you believe it, starts and finishes at the Cadbury Chocolate Factory in Tasmania! That race must have been made for me! Could I be ready for another half-marathon in 13 weeks? I really don't know, either fitness-wise or knee-wise, so I guess I'll casually mention it to the physio on Wednesday and see what his reaction is.

Meanwhile, I got some runnin' to do!

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