Sunday, August 12, 2007

Perhaps you've guessed...

... But the lack of posting after my "allowed walks" should perhaps have clued you all in to the fact that no, they didn't go well. In fact, the Monday after was like being back to day one, where landing slightly off-centre on my right leg would stop me in my tracks by sending electric spasms of pain from my knee. Bending my right knee as I walked was too painful so I developed an interesting Quasimodo-style hobble (come on, you try walking with a straight leg and see how sexy you can make it look!) Watching me walk down a flight of stairs? You might as well pull up a chair and grab a coffee, its going to take a while.

The physio is obviously somewhat concerned as according to him the pain really should have settled by now and I should have been back to some low-intensity running. So, it seems that there might be something other than ITBS going on. He's sending me back to the sports physician next week, and suggested that perhaps an MRI is in order. Great. So in addition to the pain in my knee, I'll be developing some pain in the hip-pocket area. Y'know, the type caused by having to shell out hundreds of dollars you don't really have, being a full-time student and all. Perhaps someone wants to buy one of my kidneys? I do have two after all, I'm sure I can do without one.

All for a good cause I suppose. No running means no stress relief for me, so its all slowly building up. The next person that gets up my nose is in for a serious shock, namely that a 5'3", 52kg female has a punch like a freight train when its fuelled by frustration, rage and masses of unrelieved stress. The fact that I had to miss the Bridge to Brisbane this year, and listen to my housemates chattering excitedly about the event, certainly didn't help the situation. I'm not much of a crier as a general rule, but there was a few sniffles that day.

Hey, I've got an idea... Instead of selling my spare kidney to finance an MRI, I'll just swap it for a working knee! Any takers?


Kristy said...

Hi Talicca, I've just come across your blog and I'm sorry to read about your knee. I know everytime I get sick is devestating and I miss my training so much. I can't imgaine what it must be like to not train for 4 or more weeks.

My best wishes are with you for your knee to get better ASAP.


Sarah said...

Hi mate ... sucks that the knee is still playing up - you've gotta find something to release that stress or you're going to explode!

I hope you have private health cover ... ?

How's uni going?